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Kites and letting go

We recently have been taking Abby and Aaron kite flying. I think its a great chance to go outdoors, have a bit of fun, while looking at the entire sky light up with different kites. We have also been teaching Abby about the concept of wind, and she has been able to, on multiple occasions to fly a kite by herself (thanks to strong wind).

Last weekend, we had a little picnic at the Barrage and I saw how close Aaron has grown to his ah gong (granddad). Abby has always been close to dad because she grew up with him, living in his home, but Aaron, for most part of his life, has not lived under the same roof as dad, but has started to build a really close bond with dad. U can see him nuzzling against dad, happily eating away. It's so endearing to watch him have no fear, live his life to the fullest, unbridled, carefree.

I hope my kids stay this way forever. To me, they are like kites too, tied to us with an invisible string, and as the wind blows, we slowly release them, and when the wind dies down and they start falling out of the skies, we try as much as we can to help them stay afloat and find "lift" again. It's that balance of letting them "fly" yet holding on, making sure they don't drift too far, or get tangled up with another kiteline.

Its an intricate balance. But when you see them floating in the wind, fluttering and soaring, you know it was all worth it.

'To my second child,
You’re not my first; that much is true.
I loved another before loving you.
I’m a different mother this time around.
More calm and confident I’ve found.
Since you came, there’s a new dimension.
Two children now want my attention.
I was so excited first time ‘round.
This time I want to slow things down
Your ‘firsts’ will all be ‘lasts’ for me.
Last crawl and last to ride my knee.
You were not my firstborn this is true,
But the last child I will have is you.
You’re the last lullaby I’ll ever sing.
And ‘lasts’ are a special kind of thing.'



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