I never got down to submitting this post and as I pen this down, it has been sitting as draft for over 2 months. If you haven't been living under a rock, you'd have realized that we are living in unprecedented times. Because of the novel coronavirus, I've never used so much hand sanitiser and scrubbed down my hands as much as I have these last few months. It's been very scary for me, with 2 small children and elderly parents, it has been a season of worries and anxieties, the first of many.
Haven you been driven by worry about your household too? Have you been anxious about situations with your children, their school, their education, their development, as I have?
Will this season allow us to emerge stronger, with a deeper reliance on God and a greater level of surrender? I challenge myself how to move through this season and come through with a greater understanding of what it means to let go and let God...