Mark and I spent Good Friday and Easter away from Singapore this year, what a beautiful time we had! our first roadtrip as a family! And we have a little baby growing inside me, so it's the first time we are off on a non-aeroplane trip for the long weekend.
Mark and I had a mighty enjoyable time driving from Singapore, to Melaka, then to Petaling Jaya. Of course part of the fun would be weaving in and out of traffic during the almost-standstill traffic conditions (sense the sarcasm).
It was our very first toad trip and I had been suffering from bad morning sickness so we thought this trip would help bring some distraction as well as spend some time together (we live with my parents).
Praise the Lord the trip went well as despite my bouts of nausea, Mark and I enjoyed ourselves tremendously and its been a while since we both had a full weekend to ourselves.
Just thankful that God would give us this opportunity to explore outside of Singapore and spend an extended holiday together. Thanking God for every small thing :) To Him be praise!