We spent the whole week at Kingdom Invasion conference last week. Mark had taken the whole week off and it was an easy decision for him to make because his heart was in the right place. I'm so proud of him. I'm learning from him how he puts God as the #1 in his life. I constantly encourage him that as we do that as a family, we know this arises as an aroma of worship unto God.
Matthew 6:33-34 (NIV)
33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

For those of you who know, Mark started his business in Manila almost 5 months back and things haven't been easy. There are good weeks, and discouraging weeks, and being so new as a business owner in Manila, it is crucial he spends time on the ground, working to grow the business. A week away is a luxury. We haven't had much of a honeymoon since we got married, just because we have decided that his business is our priority now, and both of us are committed to do all we can to support the work he is doing. Some things can be put to the back burner now as we concentrate on building our future together. I think this isn't an easy decision to make, but if 2 people have the same goal in mind, decisions flow a lot more effortlessly.
Last week at Kingdom Invasion was absolutely insanely good for me. It really brought a refreshing and fresh hunger into my life. As a christian, it's sometimes easy to get lost, get tired, however as I took that week to quieten my soul and listen to what God was imparting for that season, His words came alive again and as always, He worked in a way only He could to refresh my soul. It was like having a daddy-daughter dance, you know that kind where you step on your daddy's feet, and he leads you though a waltz -- nothing is required of you, just that you rest your entire weight on him, and let him guide you. And as I become more comfortable and confident in him leading the dance, the more I enjoy the time spent with him.
Somethings Mark & I got out of Kingdom Invasion
1) When we keep our eyes on Christ and put Him as the centre, everything in our lives will fall into place -- even if its a process, we have peace in the process of waiting
2) God knows our every thought and every concern, He's the Father who knows us intimately
3) God is extremely good, he wants more than we ourselves to have our desires fulfilled, but many a times, the fulfillment of these desires come in seed form. As we steward the seed, and are faithful in that process, we are being prepared for the oak tree of the promise. God may delay a blessing because it would crush us -- so until we are ready for it, then will He allow it to happen. (stewardship)
4) we need to pray for our leaders of the world, even if we disagree with them, we need to pray for them, that the fear and wisdom of God will come upon them! God can use a donkey, He can use King Cyrus, He can use anyone or anything
5) Prophecy must always be done out of love, the more we practice, the more confident and sharper we get. Don't be afraid to take risks
6) God is for life, God is prolife. God loves the LGBT community, He can't wait to encounter them with His love! The next wave of revival may just come from them!
7) A set-apart life for Him requires sacrifice. It may require delaying our gratification, it requires discipline of the flesh but when we set our lives apart for him in prayer, He hears and He's at work