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He's Immovable

During my short runs, I find that those times really allow me to meditate on my week or day and allows God to speak to me. I find myself having conversations with Him, which also help me to turn my attention away from the "pain" from each run. Also, during my runs, I make it a habit to confess God's promises over myself and my family.

Today's run was no different. As some of you might know, my dad was diagnosed with dementia some 2 years ago and we have been helping him cope better with his memory loss and ensuring he is well taken care of. My mom is the main caregiver, so sometimes we can sense her frustration when he constantly misplaces things, or simple everyday activities for him can be hard to complete. It takes a lot of patience to help him, and my sister, Mark and I are not always there due to our working schedule.

As today's run progressed on, I started to think about my dad and how we can help him. I declared over his life that the blood of Jesus would protect and restore his memory loss and arrest further deterioration. And God brought to mind an incident that just happened in the afternoon.

Dad had to go to Tanjong Pagar to get some administrative stuff done and since mom was not able to accompany him, he had to do it on his own. This was a challenge in itself as most things, my mom accompanies my dad. Going to Tanjong Pagar from my house requires a change of train at an interchange, and I wasn't confident dad would be able to navigate that without mom.

In the afternoon around 2PM, I receive a text from my hubby, Mark, attaching a picture that he was with dad. Dad and bumped into him on the train and Mark was able to escort dad from the train home. What's the chance of 2 people in the same family, bumping into each other on the train, in the same carriage, at the same time? Both of them had no knowledge of each other's whereabouts.

As I was reflecting at the events of the day, I felt the Lord say that HE is immovable, and when I worry and am concerned about my dad, Jesus loves my dad and want to take care of my dad even more than I want to. And He's the best Father -- Despite what my natural eyes may see, God is watching out for dad. And I felt God assuring me that things would be just fine. He's immovable, even when I'm flaky or shaky, He's immovable when my confidence is low, He's immovable when my faith is weak, and He's immovable forever. I can trust Him -- He's my ROCK!

2 Thessalonians 3:5 “May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.”

Here's a pic of dad and Mark sharing an embrace on the day before our wedding @ wedding rehearsal. Looking at it makes me so happy. My husband loves me so well when he loves my family like his own. I'm so proud of this man.

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