We are dreamers. In our waking moments and in our sleeping moments. Recently, Mark and I have been dreaming quite a bit -- whether carnal or God-led dreams, perhaps we will find out in time. As a rule of thumb, I would say any dream that does not bring fear or shame, may be a God-dream. So the both of us take our dreams pretty seriously, and often share them when we remember them.
2 nights ago, I had a dream where I was driving a car to pick Mark up from his workplace, he comes in and shares with me that his clinic in Manila has been doing abundantly well and goes on to share with the the amount of money that has been made though it. The next moment, there is money falling all over in the car, Mark seems to be counting it and it is just spilling all over, I distinctly remember it being all 1,000 Philippine peso -- its all over, covering the gear box and everywhere. I am laughing at what is happening because in the dream, it seems absurd even.
For those closer to us, you would know that Mark started his own clinic in Manila some months ago, and we have been praying and declaring that God's will over it will that it will be a place where God's presence can be felt as Mark treats his patients, and it will be a place where people will receive their healing. All healing comes from God, and He is only using the skills and hands of Mark to bring about the healing. Every patient that enters the clinic -- we want them to leave touched by His presence. It's a lofty dream, but what the clinic now is, we believe, is seed form to what we know God will use to bring about His will. Mark and I have been diligently praying and declaring and trusting God for the increase. Despite the situation that is now, we celebrate and praise as if we are living in our promise. It's faith in our Father, that is the currency for things to work. Acceleration -- that's the season we are in.
Job 33:14-15 "For God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it. He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds."
As I shared with Mark about the dream, we tried to interpret the symbolism of it and I know it was a dream of assurance from God. The car probably meant our ministry or life, and the money may mean the abundance or provision of God. I felt the Lord's message was that He would provide and do so abundantly, that it would overflow. And Mark and I declared and received the dream in faith that God's word never returns to Him void. In rough times, we are to remember this dream and trust in the faithfulness of our Father.
It is truly from the overflow from God, that we can't help but give away what we have and share His goodness. May those around us look at us and our lives point to God's goodness, and through how we live our lives as a family, may it be as a worship unto Him.
Thank you for dreams and thank you Lord for speaking to us, even in our sleep. How much You love to commune with you children!