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Getting Into The Word

I have been trying to make the resolve of getting into the word for 2017. Many years I have tried completing bible reading plans, but sad to say, have failed most of the times. Normally when you lag behind for a certain amount of time, you sorta find an excuse to hijack your own plans.

However, this year, I have made a commitment to want to get into the word. I know it is truly by getting deep into the word, can I know God's heart for me, and it is through the reading of His word, that I can know more of who He is.

Psalms 119:105 "Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path."

As I follow my church's #365 bible reading plan, I must admit that I'm still behind by half a month, but I really am determined to catch up, not for the sake of catching up, but really to press in and know my Father better. Some days I catch myself reading quickly without digesting, so I can check the verses off the list, and I then have to slow down and regroup before continuing.

I really pray God will empower me to do this, as Mark and I are committed this year to spend more time in the word.

With that said, sometimes when I think of how Mark and I relate to God, it's so different. Perhaps due to the collection of our experiences with Him, we have developed very different relationships and perceptions of God, both just as unique and authentic. As I share with Mark more on the spiritual and emotional side of God, Mark is often teaching me about God from the bible, which I must say my knowledge is much less than Him. As as iron sharpens iron, I'm starting to understand the side of the God He knows and He's starting to understand the side of God that He reveals to me. It's so special, that's the beautiful thing about marriage. As I learn more about Mark, I learn more about how he sees and relates to God and that helps me understand why he processes and reacts to things he does. We have very different appetites from certain preachers and as he shares more about why and how he relates to them, I am learning more about this beautiful man I'm married to. Married life is so interesting, I can't wait to do more of life with this man of God! hes my Holy Spirit Commando!

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