Many times, I find myself speaking aloud, "He would do that for me?" ; "He", referring to God Almighty. And each time, a still small voice whispers, "Yes, because you are worth it". As I grow more in Christ, I am starting to become familiar with His nature so much so that I am starting to get less "shocked" that he would arrange things for me just because I'm His precious child.
Mark and I got ceremonially married last week. It was a beautiful sea wall wedding by the Manila Bay. We got up very early, just to get hair and make up done for myself and my moms. Also, the bridesmaids were simultaneously doing their make up. Of course, the girls were buzzing with excitement as we started to all dress up and look pretty.
Just as we were approaching the time for the setup of the sea wall for the wedding (chairs, flower backdrop, red carpet, reception table and wedding decors etc), dark clouds started to loom. I received a call from the wedding planner to ask if I would want to activate the back up room, which would be an indoor hall instead, since there was a high chance of a thunderstorm, based on the weather forecast.
I had a thousand and one things one my mind then, you know the stresses of preparing for a wedding and the disappointment I would face if we had to change the wedding outdoor venue and shift everything indoors. The reason why Mark and I had chosen that venue was because we loved to have a sunset wedding by the sea, it would be a beautiful celebration backdrop to 2 lives which God had intertwined together. How more beautiful a way to celebrate our special occasion with family and friends on this destination wedding.
I remember calming myself down although thoughts were racing through my mind. God's in control of the weather, He is faithful, and He wants more for me to have a beautiful wedding than even I myself. He's got this under control. As I took a few moments, I pulled myself put from the hustle and bustle of the bridal suite to take some time to speak to the Lord of the universe. Hey, the wind and they waves, they all obey this guy, so I'm sure taking my requests up with Him would be a good idea at that critical moment.
I remember looking at the looming clouds and speaking boldly to them " I declare beautiful weather, no rain in Jesus name. Father make the weather beautiful, You are faithful, Lord. Let us enjoy this day. I speak peace to my soul, I choose not to be anxious, but I trust you."
A while later, Mark scurries into the bridal suite, obviusly wanting to discuss the bad weather plan with me. He comes in, looks at me and says, "No rain in Jesus name, Father blow the dark clouds away". I know Mark and I were then in complete agreement and I look at him and when our eyes met, I just knew we both had been interceding before and it was not going to stop. We stood there, looking out at the rain clouds (which had then covered the sun), and I declared once more God's faithfulness to us, and we decided to trust the Lord with the wedding. It was in His hands. There's power when 2 people come together in agreement about something. The Lord hears.
Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them".
I must also thank God for bridesmaids who believed with me that the weather would be lovely.They kept declaring and professing God's sovereign hand over the weather. Here's a picture in tribute to their encouragement and prayers with me for good weather.

As Mark & I stood side by side declaring over the weather, I felt peace come into my heart and I almost had a cocky confidence that this would just be another testimony to point to His goodness towards Mark and I. As the wedding planner and make up artist tried to reconfirm the wedding back up location (it had started to drizzle slightly then), I immediately said that we should proceed with the outdoor venue because Jesus would stop the gloomy clouds.
I must say that they could have thought I was some deluded bride who was so stubborn in having her outdoor wedding despite all costs. Even the wedding photographer tried to cajole us to activate our indoor back up location as he didn't want to have his cameras drenched. However, I think it was the "Godfidence" (confidence in God) that Mark and I had -- we knew our declarations would reach His throne room and God would make all things good.
Long story short, God always has the last say and as we made our way down ready for the march in at the sea wall area, all the dark clouds had been blown away and the sky was still covered with clouds, but there was no rain anymore. I wasn't with Mark then anymore as he was waiting to receive me but I know as that miracle unfolded before our very eyes, I knew in our spirits were were praising God with every fibre of our being. What a faithful Father we have!
The most beautiful part was as we were saying our vows, the sun peaked through the clouds, and Mark beckoned me to turn around to have a look at the sunset, We could see the rays shining through the clouds and it was as if God was smiling down on us. I had tears in my eyes, all I could say to Mark was that "Jesus is here and He's got our backs, honey"
Thank you Lord for your faithfulness, that you would blow away rain clouds just to see your children smile.