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I Want To Translate God

Finally! After so much procrastination and talk about wanting to learn more about hearing the voice of God, Mark & I have signed up for "Translating God", an 8-week long, e-learning course by Shawn Bolz on

I am giving myself a huge pat on the back! It's a slow start, but it's a start after all!

3 years ago, God had given me a word though Shawn Bolz when he visited City Church in Singapore. Then, I had not met Mark yet and was in another long term relationship. I had no knowledge that right after that, though a spade of events, I would fall into clinical depression for 6 months. However God knew the journey I was going to walk through and He knew that the word released into my life that day would give me the fuel I needed to heal over the course of the next year.

In the word of knowledge and prophecy spoken over me, Shawn Bolz had picked out my birthday, details of my past that little people knew off, where I went to school, the city I lived in, it blew me away. God was in the details, and He knew me so intimately. Out of the 6 billion people walking the face of the Earth, He knew the most insignificant details (even to me) of my life. Also in that word, he called out the destiny God had for me and my family, much of it I could hardly relate to -- too far fetched, too ambitious.

Since then, through my depressive state as well as in the process of recovery and until today, I constantly listen to the word spoken over my life, sometimes on repeat, when I am discouraged or disheartened. (Thankfully someone recorded the word over my life for me) It reminds me that God isn't done with me yet and if God has that plan for me, then He is the only one who can take me there.

I have been pursuing His heart for me. I don't know if I am any closer, but I know if I press on and trust Him to lead me, somehow, someway, someday, we will get there.

Mark has been supportive in my pursuit of trying to learn how to hear God's voice more clearly. When I first signed up for the e-course, I did it without consulting him. However, yesterday when I apologetically told him about it, he had instead encouraged me in my pursuit to know the heart of God better. If I can understand more clearly how to hear God, the more my heart and ears are attuned to His voice, the more I can impact the lives of others in my workplace and in my sphere of influence.

John 10:27 "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me."

Proud to say that this week, we commence week 1 of this course and Mark and I will be "schooled" together! Yaay, he has agreed to accompany me on this journey of "Translating God"! I'm excited at what we will glean from it!

God, surprise us!

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